We go to bed at night
And you turn out the light
It’s then I remember that decision, thought or sight
It’s one more tiny peep
Before we’re counting sheep
I wonder if the dialogue continues while we sleep
How did we ever begin
This unending conversation?
Early on I wondered
If we would ever run out
Of things to talk about
At first it was our love
The starry skies above
The way our lives just fit so well
Like a hand inside a glove
The wine that we had chilled
The burgers to be grilled
The house we had to fix up
And the stairs we had to build
And then it was the toys
The diaper pails and noise
The dreams we had for each of them
Our little girl and boy
Savings for their schooling
Homework that was grueling
Lessons, practice, life and love
Computers and carpooling
Before long it will be
Social security
Prescriptions and podiatrists
And hopefully Tuscany
Whoever could have wagered
So much to be palavered
So many things to discourse about
Discuss and to belabor